Accessing Your Bulk Tank Milk (BTM) Results


How to Access your Bulk Tank Milk Results in the Members Only Page


Access to your BMT results will be in the Milk Results page. You would have received a password from our email and instructions on how to access this page. Email if you do not have a password or have issues with logging into this page.

Once you have access to the page, you will need your unique, program-specific ID that was emailed to you at the initiation of this program. The unique ID will not change for the duration of the program. You may wish to communicate with your herd health veterinarian and provide them with access to these results.

Once you have logged in, you will see a spreadsheet with bulk tank milk results with the specific time period of testing. The spreadsheet will contain information including:

  • Unique study ID

  • Date of bulk milk tank testing

  • Quarterly period

  • Percent positivity from ELISA test

  • Test result (positive or negative) for Salmonella Dublin

Note that there are absolutely no regulatory consequences to a positive bulk tank milk test result. Producers are encouraged to speak with their herd health veterinarian regarding their results.

Please email if you have issues in accessing the page, locating your results, interpretation of BMT results, or if you have general questions about the program.


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