Blood Testing


Salmonella Dublin Blood Testing (Serology)

We encourage you to submit blood samples from your cattle to better understand and detect S. Dublin in your herd. You can submit up to 10 samples for free. Additional samples can be tested at $10/sample. Samples should be from young stock (4-12 months of age, if possible). Like the milk test, the blood test detects antibodies to S. Dublin. Please consider participating in both bulk milk AND serology testing. Combining these two testing methods increases the ability to detect S. Dublin on farm, gives you greater confidence that negative results mean your farm is not affected, and allows for identification of S. Dublin individuals within the herd.

If you would like to submit blood sample, please download, fill, and complete the Salmonella Dublin Submission Form (Bloodwork).

Please refer to the AHC services and fee schedule for instructions on how to submit samples to the laboratory.

Email us at if you have questions.